Postal Regulatory Commission Continues to Probe DFA
Washington, DC – Today, the Postal Regulatory Commission requested information about continued large-scale network changes by the Postal Service despite its announced “pause” in implementing parts of the Delivering for America (DFA) plan. In addition, the Commission asked the Postal Service about the scope and nature of the pilot test described by the Postal Service regarding early DFA efforts in its May 16th response to the Commission’s Show Cause order. The Commission also requested information about the ’recently announced projection of $65 billion in ten-year losses under DFA. The questions are part of the Commission’s public inquiry into the DFA.
Commission Chairman Michael Kubayanda noted, “Emerging circumstances and information have reinforced the urgency and importance of understanding the impacts and regulatory implications of DFA before the Postal Service makes further changes that impact service.” National service performance in 2024 has been at historic lows, while locations such as Atlanta continue to suffer service problems, even after some improvement in recent weeks.
On May 20, the Postmaster General issued a letter to the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senator Gary Peters, stating that the Postal Service would move forward with network changes in dozens of locations around the country, despite separately announcing a “pause” in some facility consolidations. The Postal Service is required by law to request an Advisory Opinion on changes that will impact service on a nationwide or substantially nationwide basis, and the Commission continues to urge the Postal Service to request an Advisory Opinion on certain DFA initiatives.

The Postal Regulatory Commission is an independent federal agency that provides regulatory oversight over the Postal Service to ensure the transparency and accountability of the Postal Service and foster a vital and efficient universal mail system. The Commission is comprised of five Presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed Commissioners, each serving terms of six years. The President designates the Chairman. In addition to Chairman Michael Kubayanda, the other commissioners are Vice Chairman Tom Day and Commissioners, Ann Fisher, Ashley Poling, and Robert Taub. Follow the PRC on Twitter: @PostalRegulator and LinkedIn.